A Look at greatest outfits from one of the greatest fashion influencers today — Ian Connor

Mark Smith
4 min readFeb 24, 2019


When i first started being interested in fashion in late 2015, i saw a dude named Ian Connor pulling off so many outfits, from the most expensive designer brands, to the cheapest thrift-store clothing. Now i already heard about this dude earlier the same year, and then i wondered how does this dude survive, like what does he even do for living? Then i realized you dont have to put yourself in a box to get cash, literally and figuratively. When i learned about him, he already popped off, having connections to all the famous rappers and other “stars”. Here i will show some of the best outfits that he had and that had great impact on me also.



Mark Smith
Mark Smith

Written by Mark Smith


Writer for the “IndieThought” on Medium.com

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